August 20, 1984!

No, this isn’t a spoof of 1984. I like George Orwell very much! (Though, come to think of it, it could be quite an interesting title for a spoof!)

Few dates in the history of the world are as significant as August 20, 1984. The events that happened on that date are so earth-shatteringly uninteresting, inane and pointless, that they have changed the course of history completely by not playing a role in it whatsoever! Perhaps the most boring date in world history! 😀

I have tried to compile some of the events here that I am sure will make you wonder about the importance about this particular day and why this day was not removed from calendars across the world. Trust me, it’s worth a read! 😀

1. According to the Political Graveyard, on the 20th of August (not 1984), twenty-five United States politicians were born, none of whom are well-known, and most of whom are dead. Just one of these obscure figures was born on the 20th of August 1984. 😀

2. The Journal of Clinical Microbiology, which was released on the 20th of August 1984, which incidentally was Volume 20, contained a revolutionary research article titled, “Comparison of fluorescence polarization immunoassay and bioassay of vancomycin,” which paved the way for no further research on the topic. The authors of this paper probably lost their tenure and were forced to retire! 😀

3. At 7.00 pm on the 20th of August 1984, an appeal hearing was held in the Jonesboro country of Arkansas, which is probably the winner of the Most Boring Meeting ever held in the history of the world! 😀

4. On the 20th of August 1984, Ronald Reagan was boo-ed by a crowd while he was giving a speech in Cincinnati, Ohio and one member of the audience shouted, “No More Reagan! No More Reagan!” 😀

5. On the 20th of August 1984, the glorious world of Women’s Wrestling took a turn for the better, when reigning WWF Women’s Champion Susan Starr defeated Donna Christianello in Buffalo, NY! 😀

6. On the 20th of August 1984, Time Magazine’s 124th Volume was released and Sears and Cheryl Tiegs made the cover! 😀

7. On the 20th of August 1984, I was born.

Kris Bass has generously awarded me the Brilliante Weblog – 2008, and on this glorious occasion, I consider it my privilege to pass on this award to 8 other blogs that I consider worthy (worthier than me, definitely). They are:

[The rules specified that I could only pick 8 blogs for this one, so I am not taking anything away from all the others whom I have not mentioned above! Don’t hate me for this! If I could have, I would have nominated each and every blog on my blogroll and many more that I frequent]   🙂

I guess that covers most of the things that I wanted to say about this very special day, and to acknowledge an award that I don’t think I deserve.

Cheers! 🙂

PS: The great Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was born on the 20th of August 1944! 😀

PPS: This post has, very interestingly, exactly 20 hyperlinks!! 😀

Published by Nikhil

Nikhil Kumar lives in Bangalore with his wife and their stuffed dog. They are both advertising professionals and lead very exciting lives on the streets, dodging traffic. Their fridge is filled with cans of Diet Coke and their water heater doesn't work. He doesn't smoke (up) anymore.

80 thoughts on “August 20, 1984!

  1. aha! aha! aha!
    earth-shatteringly uninteresting, inane and pointless indeed!
    Many happy returns of the day 4 hours in advance 🙂 …. its the time to disco!!!
    p.s. very sweet of you to inquire my whereabouts. Looking for a hammer to break that writers block 😉 Please help me find it

  2. Shameless plug for a Happy Birthday? 🙂 Well, have a _very_ happy one then!

    Others born on the date not year were Rajeev Gandhi (RIP) and Narayan Murthy (INFY).

  3. Happy Birthday in advance! 🙂 One of my dear friends shares your birthday, was born a few years before you though! I got so enthu..I thought today was 20th and ended up sending him his wishes today! Weird though, I wished my parents for their anniversary today!! That happens to be today! My mind the maze that it always is I suppose 😀
    Hope you have a great day tomorrow 🙂

  4. @Nikhil
    Many many happy returns of the day in advance! 😀 Will wish you again tomorrow. 😀 Mostly because I don’t have any other work to do. 😀

  5. Haaaapiieeee Birthdayyy!!
    You gave me a special gift instead of me giving you one!!
    Well, I shall wish you at 12 am today!!
    Cheerss!! 😀

  6. Why so early??? Happy Birthday in advance and thanks a lot for the award!! “to acknowledge an award that I don’t think I deserve.” 😀 Ahhh such humility!!! 😛 U totally deserve it..u know that. I m eager to see what *stars* have to say about ur birthday 😉

  7. HAHAA!i really love the way you write[or rather type],with a mild humour always!
    Wish you a very happy birthday! 😛 🙂
    Let’s look forward to see what inane,unimportant things happen on 20 Aug of tomorrow! 😉
    Neways,your choice of theme is really good..You must have seen the change at my blog!

  8. You got 4 comments even while I was typing mine! And since nobodys sung to you, I shall start off!!

    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    You were born in the Zoo,
    With monkeys and Donkeys,
    You were born in the Zoo,
    Happy Birthday to You!!

    😀 😀

  9. @Nik – Hey macha! Thanks a million ton! I don’t think I deserve any award for being invisible most of the times 😀 Also, many happy returns of the day!

    To continue on priyas efforts heres one from me:

    Happy birthday to you,
    happy birthdat to you,
    from old friends and new,
    happy birthday to you!

    May God bless you,
    Happy happy happy borthday to you!!

    Cute cute cakes, sing sweet songs, with warm wishes,
    Happy birthday to you!


    Aint that too cute aka girly for you? 😀 😛

    btw, I was born on 25th Sep i.e 20 + 5 and 5 square is 25 which also means 5*4 = 20 ald means WHAT THE FARADAY AM I TALKING 😀 😛

  10. Hahahahahahhahaha!!! So, its youu!!! I ran back home.. to see what / who that was all about!!!! Now this calls for an august occasion.. and a thank you speech.. and a BIRTHDAY boy to foot all the bills?! 😉 😀

    Thanks Nikhil… 😀

    & Happy Birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! Will wish at 12…

  11. oh!thanks priya for reminding me…HAPPY BIRTHDAY …lol i was planning to do it in the morn…anyway where is my treat? And No smoking for one whole day get it!

  12. @ RJ : You continued the song!! 😀
    And seriously, what the faraday are you talking?! 😛
    You “20” ??? 😛 😉

  13. Ahhhhhhhhh…. so one more birthday!! 😀

    Wish u a very Hapeeeeeeeeeee birthday in advance.. its also my uncle’s bday!! 🙂

  14. I was also born on the 20th of August 1984. I was earlier today looking up the particular day to see if anything interesting happened that day and came across this article. Additionally, though it wasn’t the particular historical day we were born, the great writer HP Lovecraft shares our day of solar return. Coincidentally he is my favorite author and has a strong cult following. We 8/20’ers have a tendency to generate cult followings.

    What a strange synchronicity…

    I’ll do a shot for you tomorrow.

  15. Wish you the happiest bday ever, buddy 😀 !!!

    I am sure you would enter history soon —- Ausgust 20th 1984 is when the author of Mirror Cracked was born !!!

  16. wow, awesome, i’m honoured. and i do like the colourful bling at the side! shall display it asap! thank you nikhil. *hugs* 🙂

    All the boredom of August 20th was i guess eradicated after God created the humor badshaah on the same day in the year 1984!

  18. Happy Birthday darlinggg!! Many kisses are coming from Italy to youuu!! 🙂 😀

  19. @Everyone
    Thank you all for your wishes! It means a lot to me! 🙂
    You probably won’t believe this, but I woke up this morning around 5.30, opened this page and opened a wordpad file and started typing out the replies to all the 30 comments… And just when I had completed the whole thing, I selected everything, and was about to paste it in this comment field when the power went off!!! Wordpad not having an auto-recovery feature and I being quite a bit lazy to do it again, hope that this small comment would be a suitable replacement… 😀
    I will definitely reply to all the 30 comments above individually, but I am about to and take a much-needed bath, after which, I shall do so! Thanks a lot everyone, for making me start this day with a huge smile! 😀
    This is God’s Yo-Yo, signing off!
    Cheers! 🙂

  20. Hello Macha !!! (What does Macha mean??)

    Many manyhappy returns of the day …

    Tum jiyo hazaaro saal, saal ke din ho pachas hazaar …

    Hv a blast on this day !!

  21. I almost saw what was coming, right at the beginning of the post! 🙂
    Happy birthday Nikhil

  22. Happy birthday macha…sorry not been able to read your blog religiously…I knewi ts your birthday so opened wordpress to wish you..
    Heres my quickie before I go and bang my head in the class- Happy birthday to the awesomest blogger and above all a cool friend!
    CIAO..hope you’ve lots of fun,frolic, masti,babes and cakes!!! HAHAH


  23. Hey Nikhil… Have a rocking birthday. And one of my good friends birthday is today!! and we had awesome birthday blast and u know i wished u then!!!!!

    Well, have a fun n frollic filled birthday with beer, babes… Happy birhday blogger..

    A big bear hug to my blog buddy..


  24. /lol …nice way to let know that ur birthday is on the way.. 😛

    happy birthday in advance…
    any parties ???
    i have to book my ticket 😛

  25. Somehow, I knew that you were leading it up to your birthday. I think all of us who believe in corny sense of humor think alike. By the way, are you serious about those offers for publicity? Mabye you could do a blog post on the rockstar and the band! 😉 What say?

    ‘Macha’ – in Mallu means son of maternal uncle. Like a cousin.

  26. I forgot! Eeeps, sorry. Happy Birthday! And thanks for accepting your award and passing it on. You deserve it!

    (PS: Love Orwell. Don’t ever think of spoofing. I’ll fly all the way from Mumbai to get your balls back into your abdominal cavity!)

  27. Ah, Many Happy Returns Of The Day… Tod daal, Fod daal, Dhamaal macha le..

    P.S. And so was Late Rajiv Gandhi

  28. heyyy…. manyyyy mannyyyy happy returns of the day !!! 🙂
    have a blast.. !! take care n god bless.. 🙂

  29. Happy Burrrrday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    enjoy maadi…and thank a lot lot lot for the award….i sat around gawking like this 😮 …. 😀 😀
    have a superbe day!!

  30. Why my life is becoming so slow now a days 😦
    I am too late for this, but still I know you wont hate me for this.
    Many many happy returns of the day bro.

  31. NOw Talking about 20, I guess you are not 20 yrs old 😀
    Good Collection BTW. (I would rather do nothing on my birthday than collecting something like this 😛 )

  32. I adore you, and I never stop to say it… ❤

    you can’t understand how much I have appreciated ur comment… 🙂 you made me smile!! *HUGS*

  33. @Priya – Yea I did – sulphuric acid 😀

    @Nik – Happy birthday again da! What doing? 😀 Collecting gifts?

  34. @ Nikhil:

    Usain Bolt is 22 today. He ran the 200m and won not just by an obscene margin but also broke Michael Johnson’s record by 0.02 seconds. Now THIS is what I call a birthday present! Don’t you agree? 🙂 They even sang him a Happy Birthday in the Bird Nest stadium!

  35. Belated wishes!
    Hope you had a blast.

    (your comment section is blocked at my workplace, none of the other wordpress blogs are blocked, just yours, I am wondering why.)

  36. Belated birthday greetings macha. Took my turn to be down with illness for a couple of days. so missed out on your post.
    I was wondering if 20th August 1984 should be included in History texts as the most boring day with only ONE interesting event – ur Birth. 3 cheers to you. 🙂

  37. Belated birthday wishes from Montreal! As I’m also getting older, I’m filled with slightly pessimistic thoughts, but still eager to welcome the unknown, in my case, ushering in my 30s. 🙂

    Hope you’ll have a year full of prosperity, good health, and joy, AND keep on the goofiness coming. 🙂


  38. A belated Hippy Happy Biffday young sire. Apologies, as you may know, it has been a week of well.. surprises which occupied my brain more than food for a change. Hope you had the most fantabularse of days and got spoilt rotten!!!


  39. @Rahul
    Oh yeah!! Yay!! 😀

    Aww.. Thanks man! 😀

    Thanks man! 🙂

    Thanks so much!! 😀

    Thanks so much! Day was not too great, but your comment made it so! Thanks! 😀

    Thanks so much! 🙂

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