And So, The Crappy Year Finally Ends!

It took 365 days for this year to end. Usually, I wouldn’t have noticed how quickly the time flies and would have said some inane comment like, “I didn’t know how quickly the time flew this year!” but this time it’s different. It took an eternity for the year to end. It was a crappyContinue reading “And So, The Crappy Year Finally Ends!”

A Pretty KlueLess Christmas! :)

Consider this a “thank you” note for Apar, who made me realize just how much of a dufus I am. She introduced me to what is perhaps the best quiz ever devised by mankind – KlueLess. KlueLess is an online quizzing game which is a part of the IIM-Indore annual fest Iris. Hugely innovative, theContinue reading “A Pretty KlueLess Christmas! :)”

As He Slides Down The Chimney…

… we all prepare ourselves for a fabulous Christmas and a wonderful holiday season. Offices are shut, schools are out, colleges don’t bother to announce holidays as no one turns up anyway, people are relaxed, credit cards are swiped, gifts are bought, new friendships are born, old ones are revived, songs are sung, movies areContinue reading “As He Slides Down The Chimney…”


Got this below visual in my email a few days ago.  It’s just too hilarious – something to lighten up your Sunday. Cheers! 🙂 It was Friday morning, and that  meant it was time for an activity that the teacher called “add to the  picture”.   The teacher would call students to the chalkboard oneContinue reading “SOAP SUDS”

Bigger! Badder! Stronger! Smellier!

For the first time in its life, this website hid its face from the world for a few hours. MirrorCracked has always lived up to a rich legacy of smelly nonsense, guaranteed to make you smile and wrinkle your nose at the same time. And this time, I promise you more of the same, betterContinue reading “Bigger! Badder! Stronger! Smellier!”