The 46-Rupee Meal

Ten years ago, when the world was a nicer place to live in, I was just getting out of high school, full of misdirected ambitions of making a difference in the world. Of the many things that were ideal back then, I liked the fact that I could have a hearty meal for less thanContinue reading “The 46-Rupee Meal”

Twenty-Four Hours

If  you knew that you had only twenty-fours hours more to live, what are the things you would do? I know it’s a morbid question, but I’ve been thinking about it ever since I heard about the guy who died three days back. Well, he was a guy in the prime of his life, muchContinue reading “Twenty-Four Hours”

Does It Suck?

Being single. Does it suck? Its been 8 months now since I officially broke up with my last girlfriend – let’s call her Kay, to protect her privacy – and the past 8 months have been quite weird. It’s not that things have been really bad, no. On the personal front, things are quite well,Continue reading “Does It Suck?”

Gokarna & Why I Go There

This one goes out to all those unfortunate, uninitiated and uninspired individuals. Get off your high horse and read this. There may be a hundred reasons why a person goes to Gokarna. People looking to get laid, people looking to score and get high, people looking for a nice, secluded beach and people wanting toContinue reading “Gokarna & Why I Go There”

Scuba Diving: My First Time

Yeah, I did it. After three years of deliberation, I finally got a chance to dive! I took PADI’s Discover Scuba Diving session in Bangalore through Planet Scuba India. This will be just 4 pictures and not much text, but remember not to laugh. I couldn’t find a wetsuit that fit me, so I hadContinue reading “Scuba Diving: My First Time”