Simran Ebook Available For Download!!


Simran is now available for download! Please download it and read it and let me know how good or bad it is! Damn, I am so frikkin excited!!

Click the nice little “Add To Cart” button below and you can use Paypal to buy the book. Oh, by the way, a lot of people told me that $10 was too steep, so in the spirit of goodness, the price has been reduced to $5.00 only for the readers of MirrorCracked (with a substantial cut to my royalties, of course!) πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

So, what are you waiting for? Click, buy, read, review!

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This is awesome! Yay!! πŸ™‚

Okay, so two books down. I wonder how many more… I’m off to have beer..!! Yay! πŸ™‚

Published by Nikhil

Nikhil Kumar lives in Bangalore with his wife and their stuffed dog. They are both advertising professionals and lead very exciting lives on the streets, dodging traffic. Their fridge is filled with cans of Diet Coke and their water heater doesn't work. He doesn't smoke (up) anymore.

18 thoughts on “Simran Ebook Available For Download!!

  1. Congrats buddy πŸ™‚
    I would like to wait for the physical copy to add it to my collection πŸ™‚

    Keep on doing this man … You might just inspire some of those hidden writers to get one in their own name πŸ™‚

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