Twilight Dawn

Oppression filled the foggy twilit dawn, the recherché feminism of the morning light danced an undulating number with the mood of the solitary cyclist as he wound his way up the serpentine path to the crest of the craggy peak, bathed in the soft glow of the fiercely burning star billions of miles away, stillContinue reading “Twilight Dawn”

Resolutions And Wishlists :)

There were quite some sights to behold last night: 1. Mom, who prides on being a teetotaler and frowns when I even think of alcohol,  nursing a mug of chilled beer and ‘Cheers’ing everyone in the room! 2. The great-grandmom of the family dancing to Elvis Presley’s “A Little Less Conversation”! 3. Uncles and auntiesContinue reading “Resolutions And Wishlists :)”

Blog Talk!!

My blog was featured in Bangalore Mirror, an English daily, yesterday!! There’s a column called “Blog Talk,” where geeky posts that deal with “All Things Bangalore” are published! And mine got picked up and printed!! All thanks to Balu, who’s a journalist with Bangalore Mirror. I was surprised and shocked when he told me heContinue reading “Blog Talk!!”